Indoor air quality testing is a growing need among building owners and managers because of the effects of poor air quality on the health and comfort of building occupants. Recent studies conclude that proper space temperature and humidity conditions coupled with great indoor air quality reduce illness, sick days and increase employee productivity and happiness in the workplace. Indoor air quality testing, improvement and maintenance is therefore not only good for your tenants, but good for business too.
HVAC Services NYC has emerged as New York’s premiere provider of large building indoor air quality testing and remediation, including comprehensive commercial HVAC system analysis, maintenance, and modification. With an in-house team of air cleaning specialists as well as our vast HVAC service engineering expertise, HVAC Services NYC gives you the expert technical support you need to effectively manage the complexities of indoor air quality within your commercial building(s).
Air Cleaners: Air cleaners work to keep your home clear of dust, pollen, fungi, smoke and other particles too small to see. HVAC Services NYC Air Cleaners provide stepped-up filtration that is more effective than your furnace or air conditioner alone. In fact, these cleaners can remove up to 94% of the particles that pass through your home’s system. And since these pollutants can build up over time as film on walls and furniture, this is performance you’ll feel and see
Climate/Humidity Control: In cooler temperatures, high humidity gives you a cold, wet, clammy feeling. In warmer temperatures, you get a wet, sticky feeling that prohibits perspiration from evaporating, leaving it on your body to soak your clothes. Controlling humidity is not only essential for your comfort but for maintaining good health. High humidity levels can cause harm to you and your home. Among its many dangers, high humidity can cause mold and mildew throughout your home, polluting your indoor air quality as well as potentially ruining your expensive clothes, fabrics, paintings, carpets, wall coverings, and even floors and walls!
Contact HVAC Services NYC today for fast service!